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Clearing Out Duplicate Photos

Who has ever been pestered by that incessant notification saying that your phone’s storage is TOO FULL?!?!

🙋 I know I certainly have! And typically my photos are consuming the largest majority of that space, but then when I go to clear up space I realize how many of those photos are simply duplicates 🤦

So for today’s Tech Tip, I’m going to show you all how to easily delete duplicate photos off your phone so you can make more room for NEW PHOTOS!

On iPhone - Apple recently introduced an awesome new feature built right into the photos app!

  1. Open your Photos app and click on the “Albums” tab

  2. Scroll down to the bottom where it says “Utilities” and click on “Duplicates” - this will show you all the duplicate photos!

  3. To easily get rid of ALL duplicates - click “Select” in the top right, then “Select All” in the top left, and then press “Merge (###)”

  4. You can choose to “Merge All” or “Merge Only The Exact Copies” (note that some saved photos may be different resolutions, sizes, etc so merging all with combine those versions into one unified version)

On Android - on an Android device you will likely need to download a 3rd party app, and my best recommendation is “Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro.”

  1. Using this app, you’ll be able to do a full system scan, or scan select folders - so select what you would like scanned

  2. Next choose the level of similarity you would like it to search - anywhere from remotely close, to exact copies only

  3. Allow the app to scan for the duplicates

  4. Once the scan is complete - you can either choose to delete all, or uncheck any that you don’t feel are truly duplicates and delete all the others that are selected

  5. *Note that you can review all deleted photos in your trash folder to recover any that were deleted by mistake or overlooked before deleting!*